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Smells like MK ULTRA
« -: Декември 12, 2018, 02:51:47 am »
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Smells Like…MK ULTRA…
Reborn article from the original website - Project Albatross . com

I am now going to delve deep into a subject that is near and dear to my heart and it really saddens me to have to bring some of this information to you as I tarnished some heroes of mine as I researched this. I have had many long nights as I try to wade through all of the information available. Let me be clear from the beginning, I will probably tell you some things about your musical icons that you wish you never knew. Your first reaction will probably be to get angry with me and assume I hate your hero and am making these terrible things up. Next, many people will demand proof, a smoking gun, a confession or the like. Unfortunately, the entire purpose of MK ULTRA is to be undetected and if anyone gets wise to the plan, people die and witnesses disappear. When you are dealing with covert operations there are no smoking guns, only coincidence, which of course, doesn’t exist. Coincidence is simply another name for clues that point you in the right direction. Once you find a person of interest and follow their trail, the “coincidences” start popping off the charts. Everything that I am writing about has never been officially “proven” to be true and probably never will be, covert operations are rarely acknowledged publicly. If you find yourself unable to continue then just leave and Once you have moved passed this stage of anger, come on back and read this again with a more open mind. The story is amazing but unlike the lies you have been fed, all of this actually begins to make sense as the things we never knew were related start to become connected. Remember, don’t kill the messenger, I’m only here to enlighten.

We are about to embark upon a musical journey that starts in Southern California but has it’s roots in something far more sinister. After WWII the USA imported most of the top Nazi scientists (including Mengele Aka Dr. Green) into America in Operation Paperclip where they were all given new names and aliases. Following this influx of Nazi scientists, NASA was created to test the Nazi rockets and the CIA created project MK ULTRA among other projects which used Nazi techniques of brutal torture and drugs to basically fracture a person’s personality and control the multiple personalities they created. Through trial and error this technique has been perfected since the 1940′s here in America. Secretly, the CIA/FBI (et al) have created underground programs to basically infiltrate a certain part of society and drive their agenda into the minds of America. If the CIA could create and control the most popular musicians of the day, they could effectively get their message across to the youth without anyone being the wiser. In fact, only by paying close attention to the players on the periphery can you begin to see the veil of deception that has been thrown like a fishing net into the sea of humanity.

In the 1950′s we now know that MK ULTRA set up shop at Cornell University and used torture, electroshock and LSD to experiment on mostly unwilling subjects. The head of these MK ULTRA operations at Cornell University was Albert Baez. He had a daughter named Joan Baez who became a famous musician and admitted that her father ritually abused her as a child. Of course, now we know that most ritual abuse is simply the preferred method of mind control and seeing that her father was head of MK ULTRA operations at Cornell and the fact that she was abused means that more than likely she was a puppet of the CIA regime. She may remember the abuse but she remembers nothing of the many personalities that splintered off from this abuse. We know for a fact that the father of Joan Baez was involved with MK ULTRA at Cornell and we also know for a fact that she claims to have been ritually abused by her father. We also know that she went on to become a famous and very influential musician and activist in her later years.

In the late 1950′s a young psychology student was doing well at Cornell and apparently fell into the favor of Mr. Baez and his cohorts. For, you see, after graduating near the top of his class in 1959, instead of pursuing his budding career in psychology, he threw it all away and moved out west in the hopes of being a famous musician. He was Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary and he not only went on to become a famous musician with a psychology degree from MK ULTRA university but he also wrote the children’s song “Puff the Magic Dragon” which speaks of paper, puffs and make believe lands but isn’t about drugs. Much like Joan Baez, Peter Yarrow follows up his musical career with social activism.

But there is something bigger brewing in the southern California neighborhood of Laurel Canyon which is located in the Hollywood Hills. With it’s tree covered winding roads it’s really a self contained neighborhood all to itself. Beginning in the early 1960′s, many very famous things started right here in this tiny, hidden community. Musicians from all over the USA, Canada and England moved to the Laurel Canyon area and set up shop. However, the strange thing about all of this is why they chose Southern California.

“All these folks gathered nearly simultaneously along the narrow, winding roads of Laurel Canyon. They came from across the country – although the Washington, DC area was noticeably over-represented – as well as from Canada and England. They came even though, at the time, there wasn’t much of a pop music industry in Los Angeles. They came even though, at the time, there was no live pop music scene to speak of. They came even though, in retrospect, there was no discernable reason for them to do so.

It would, of course, make sense these days for an aspiring musician to venture out to Los Angeles. But in those days, the centers of the music universe were Nashville, Detroit and New York. It wasn’t the industry that drew the Laurel Canyon crowd, you see, but rather the Laurel Canyon crowd that transformed Los Angeles into the epicenter of the music industry. To what then do we attribute this unprecedented gathering of future musical superstars in the hills above Los Angeles? What was it that inspired them all to head out west? Perhaps Neil Young said it best when he told an interviewer that he couldn’t really say why he headed out to LA circa 1966; he and others “were just going like Lemmings.”

One of the earliest on the Laurel Canyon/Sunset Strip scene is Jim Morrison, the enigmatic lead singer of The Doors. Jim will quickly become one of the most iconic, controversial, critically acclaimed, and influential figures to take up residence in Laurel Canyon. Curiously enough though, the self-proclaimed “Lizard King” has another claim to fame as well, albeit one that none of his numerous chroniclers will feel is of much relevance to his career and possible untimely death: he is the son of Admiral George Stephen Morrison.

And so it is that, even while the father is actively conspiring to fabricate an incident that will be used to massively accelerate an illegal war, the son is positioning himself to become an icon of the ‘hippie’/anti-war crowd. Nothing unusual about that, I suppose. It is, you know, a small world and all that. And it is not as if Jim Morrison’s story is in any way unique.

According to Wiki: “George Stephen Morrison (January 7, 1919 – November 17, 2008) was a Rear Admiral and naval aviator in the United States Navy. Morrison was commander of the U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Gulf of Tonkin Incident of August 1964, which set off what is known as the Vietnam War. He was the father of the late Jim Morrison, the lead singer of the rock band The Doors

During the early years of its heyday, Laurel Canyon’s father figure is the rather eccentric personality known as Frank Zappa. Though he and his various Mothers of Invention line-ups will never attain the commercial success of the band headed by the admiral’s son, Frank will be a hugely influential figure among his contemporaries. Ensconced in an abode dubbed the ‘Log Cabin’ – which sat right in the heart of Laurel Canyon, at the crossroads of Laurel Canyon Boulevard and Lookout Mountain Avenue – Zappa will play host to virtually every musician who passes through the canyon in the mid- to late-1960s. He will also discover and sign numerous acts to his various Laurel Canyon-based record labels. Many of these acts will be rather bizarre and somewhat obscure characters (think Captain Beefheart and Larry “Wild Man” Fischer), but some of them, such as psychedelic rocker cumshock-rocker Alice Cooper, will go on to superstardom.

Given that Zappa was, by numerous accounts, a rigidly authoritarian control-freak and a supporter of U.S. military actions in Southeast Asia, it is perhaps not surprising that he would not feel a kinship with the youth movement that he helped nurture. And it is probably safe to say that Frank’s dad also had little regard for the youth culture of the 1960s, given that Francis Zappa was, in case you were wondering, a chemical warfare specialist assigned to – where else? – the Edgewood Arsenal. Edgewood is, of course, the longtime home of America’s chemical warfare program, as well as a facility frequently cited as being deeply enmeshed in MK-ULTRA operations. Curiously enough, Frank Zappa literally grew up at the Edgewood Arsenal, having lived the first seven years of his life in military housing on the grounds of the facility. The family later moved to Lancaster, California, near Edwards Air Force Base, where Francis Zappa continued to busy himself with doing classified work for the military/intelligence complex. His son, meanwhile, prepped himself to become an icon of the peace & love crowd. Again, nothing unusual about that, I suppose.

Zappa’s manager, by the way, is a shadowy character by the name of Herb Cohen, who had come out to L.A. from the Bronx with his brother Mutt just before the music and club scene began heating up. Cohen, a former U.S. Marine, had spent a few years traveling the world before his arrival on the Laurel Canyon scene. Those travels, curiously, had taken him to the Congo in 1961, at the very time that leftist Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba was being tortured and killed by our very own CIA. Not to worry though; according to one of Zappa’s biographers, Cohen wasn’t in the Congo on some kind of nefarious intelligence mission. No, he was there, believe it or not, to supply arms to Lumumba“in defiance of the CIA.” Because, you know, that is the kind of thing that globetrotting ex-Marines did in those days

Making up the other half of Laurel Canyon’s First Family is Frank’s wife, Gail Zappa, known formerly as Adelaide Sloatman. Gail hails from a long line of career Naval officers, including her father, who spent his life working on classified nuclear weapons research for the U.S. Navy. Gail herself had once worked as a secretary for the Office of Naval Research and Development (she also once told an interviewer that she had “heard voices all [her] life”). Many years before their nearly simultaneous arrival in Laurel Canyon, Gail had attended a Naval kindergarten with “Mr. Mojo Risin’” himself, Jim Morrison (it is claimed that, as children, Gail once hit Jim over the head with a hammer). The very same Jim Morrison had later attended the same Alexandria, Virginia high school as two other future Laurel Canyon luminaries – John Phillips and Cass Elliott.

Anyway, let’s move on to yet another of Laurel Canyon’s earliest and brightest stars, Mr. Stephen Stills. Stills will have the distinction of being a founding member of two of Laurel Canyon’s most acclaimed and beloved bands: Buffalo Springfield, and, needless to say, Crosby, Stills & Nash. Before his arrival in Laurel Canyon, Stephen Stills was (*yawn*) the product of yet another career military family. Raised partly in Texas, young Stephen spent large swaths of his childhood in El Salvador, Costa Rica, the Panama Canal Zone, and various other parts of Central America – alongside his father, who was, we can be fairly certain, helping to spread ‘democracy’ to the unwashed masses in that endearingly American way. As with the rest of our cast of characters, Stills was educated primarily at schools on military bases and at elite military academies. Among his contemporaries in Laurel Canyon, he was widely viewed as having an abrasive, authoritarian personality. Nothing unusual about any of that, of course, as we have already seen with the rest of our cast of characters.

There is, however, an even more curious aspect to the Stephen Stills story: Stephen will later tell anyone who will sit and listen that he had served time for Uncle Sam in the jungles of Vietnam. These tales will be universally dismissed by chroniclers of the era as nothing more than drug-induced delusions. Such a thing couldn’t possibly be true, it will be claimed, since Stills arrived on the Laurel Canyon scene at the very time that the first uniformed troops began shipping out and he remained in the public eye thereafter. And it will of course be quite true that Stephen Stills could not have served with uniformed ground troops in Vietnam, but what will be ignored is the undeniable fact that the U.S. had thousands of ‘advisers’ – which is to say, CIA/Special Forces operatives – operating in the country for a good many years before the arrival of the first official ground troops. What will also be ignored is that, given his background, his age, and the timeline of events, Stephen Stills not only could indeed have seen action in Vietnam, he would seem to have been a prime candidate for such an assignment. After which, of course, he could rather quickly become – stop me if you’ve heard this one before – an icon of the peace generation.

Another of those icons, and one of Laurel Canyon’s most flamboyant residents, is a young man by the name of David Crosby, founding member of the seminal Laurel Canyon band the Byrds, as well as, of course, Crosby, Stills & Nash. Crosby is, not surprisingly, the son of an Annapolis graduate and WWII military intelligence officer, Major Floyd Delafield Crosby. Like others in this story, Floyd Crosby spent much of his post-service time traveling the world. Those travels landed him in places like Haiti, where he paid a visit in 1927, when the country just happened to be, coincidentally of course, under military occupation by the U.S. Marines.

But David Crosby is much more than just the son of Major Floyd Delafield Crosby. David Van Cortlandt Crosby, as it turns out, is a scion of the closely intertwined Van Cortlandt, Van Schuyler and Van Rensselaer families. And while you’re probably thinking, “the Van Who families?,” I can assure you that if you plug those names in over at Wikipedia, you can spend a pretty fair amount of time reading up on the power wielded by this clan for the last, oh, two-and-a-quarter centuries or so. Suffice it to say that the Crosby family tree includes a truly dizzying array of US senators and congressmen, state senators and assemblymen, governors, mayors, judges, Supreme Court justices, Revolutionary and Civil War generals, signers of the Declaration of Independence, and members of the Continental Congress. It also includes, I should hasten to add – for those of you with a taste for such things – more than a few high-ranking Masons. Stephen Van Rensselaer III, for example, reportedly served as Grand Master of Masons for New York. And if all that isn’t impressive enough, according to the New England Genealogical Society, David Van Cortlandt Crosby is also a direct descendant of ‘Founding Fathers’ and Federalist Papers’ authors Alexander Hamilton and John Jay.

Another shining star on the Laurel Canyon scene, just a few years later, will be singer-songwriter Jackson Browne, who is – are you getting as bored with this as I am? – the product of a career military family. Browne’s father was assigned to post-war ‘reconstruction’ work in Germany, which very likely means that he was in the employ of the OSS, precursor to the CIA. As readers of my “Understanding the F-Word” may recall, U.S. involvement in post-war reconstruction in Germany largely consisted of maintaining as much of the Nazi infrastructure as possible while shielding war criminals from capture and prosecution. Against that backdrop, Jackson Browne was born in a military hospital in Heidelberg, Germany. Some two decades later, he emerged as … oh, never mind.

Let’s talk instead about three other Laurel Canyon vocalists who will rise to dizzying heights of fame and fortune: Gerry Beckley, Dan Peek and Dewey Bunnell. Individually, these three names are probably unknown to virtually all readers; but collectively, as the band America, the three will score huge hits in the early ‘70s with such songs as “Ventura Highway,” “A Horse With No Name,” and the Wizard of Oz-themed “The Tin Man.” I guess I probably don’t need to add here that all three of these lads were products of the military/intelligence community. Beckley’s dad was the commander of the now-defunct West Ruislip USAF base near London, England, a facility deeply immersed in intelligence operations. Bunnell’s and Peek’s fathers were both career Air Force officers serving under Beckley’s dad at West Ruislip, which is where the three boys first met.

We could also, I suppose, discuss Mike Nesmith of the Monkees and Cory Wells of Three Dog Night (two more hugely successful Laurel Canyon bands), who both arrived in LA not long after serving time with the U.S. Air Force. Nesmith also inherited a family fortune estimated at $25 million. Gram Parsons, who would briefly replace David Crosby in The Byrds before fronting The Flying Burrito Brothers, was the son of Major Cecil Ingram “Coon Dog” Connor II, a decorated military officer and bomber pilot who reportedly flew over 50 combat missions. Parsons was also an heir, on his mother’s side, to the formidable Snively family fortune. Said to be the wealthiest family in the exclusive enclave of Winter Haven, Florida, the Snively family was the proud owner of Snively Groves, Inc., which reportedly owned as much as 1/3 of all the citrus groves in the state of Florida.

Left to right: Michael Nesmith, Cory Wells, Gram Parsons, Jackson Browne

And so it goes as one scrolls through the roster of Laurel Canyon superstars. What one finds, far more often than not, are the sons and daughters of the military/intelligence complex and the sons and daughters of extreme wealth and privilege – and oftentimes, you’ll find both rolled into one convenient package. Every once in a while, you will also stumble across a former child actor, like the aforementioned Brandon DeWilde, or Monkee Mickey Dolenz, or eccentric prodigy Van Dyke Parks. You might also encounter some former mental patients, such as James Taylor, who spent time in two different mental institutions in Massachusetts before hitting the Laurel Canyon scene, or Larry “Wild Man” Fischer, who was institutionalized repeatedly during his teen years, once for attacking his mother with a knife (an act that was gleefully mocked by Zappa on the cover of Fischer’s first album). Finally, you might find the offspring of an organized crime figure, like Warren Zevon, the son of William “Stumpy” Zevon, a lieutenant for infamous LA crimelord Mickey Cohen.”[/i]
« Последна редакция: Декември 12, 2018, 03:56:25 am от λ »


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Re: Smells like MK ULTRA
« Отговор #1 -: Декември 12, 2018, 03:29:35 am »
Without a doubt, something sinister was going on in Laurel Canyon’s Hills in the 1960′s and 1970′s. As the military invaded countries at will, the children of most of those military leaders were all in Southern California doing acid and waging peace. The sheer number of acts to appear out of Laurel Canyon and their ties to military leaders is undeniable. These children of the elite spread their message for an entire generation while their parents committed unspeakable acts in illegal wars overseas. However, it wasn’t just music that was being pushed in the hippie movement.

One of the main drugs associated with the Hippie Culture was LSD which was the drug of choice for those involved in MK ULTRA. Back in the early 1950′s CIA agents used to slip LSD into a colleague’s water glass and observe the results. (It was one of these experiments that supposedly led to the public’s discovery of MK ULTRA.) By the early 1960′s the CIA was experimenting with LSD on the population at large. So, how did this experimental mind control drug controlled by the CIA suddenly make it’s way into every small town in America by the 1970′s? That’s an Interesting question that you probably already know the answer to. The CIA planted it’s victims (musicians) into the music industry to promote drug use and then they supplied them with it to pass out to the youth of America. By the 1980′s, a drug that was once limited to only CIA mind control testing was now being manufactured and distributed to the youth of America on demand. I would hazard to guess that most people reading this have experimented with LSD at some point. Ever been curious as to why it was so easy it was to score?

Those in charge of MK ULTRA and other such programs realized that they could effectively plant a subject into the music business and program them with enough talent to be successful. However, what if they could infiltrate those bands that were already famous? If they could somehow control a group like The Beatles, they could really spread their message to the youth. In 1965 British and US intelligence conspired to bring the Beatles to the USA via the Ed Sullivan show. Every album that the Beatles released prior to their appearance on Ed Sullivan was an acoustic record. In fact, the hot single at the time of their appearance was “I want to Hold Your Hand” which could not be more mainstream in it’s appeal if it tried. However, the next album, Revolver was different as Wikipedia puts it; “Many of the tracks on Revolver feature an electric guitar-rock sound that contrasts with their previous LP, the folk rock inspired Rubber Soul(1965).

Beatlemania was literally created by the CIA in an attempt to make the Beatles accessible to America. Busloads of school girls were taken to the airport from Brooklyn and told to scream and carry on when the band arrived. In fact, there weren’t many stories about crazed fans at the time and some of the photos simply showed a small group of girls standing around. However, Beatlemania came into existence and when the Beatles left NY a week later they were well on their way to being the most popular band in the world. Of course, once Beatlemania was created and America fell in love with the acoustic ditties, the very next album brought the electric sound and the drugs which the Beatles were supplied with.

The Beatles then became LSD subjects in a bizarre experiment that would lead to the orient, many exotic beliefs, Yoko Ono (a British intelligence agent) and the strange phenomena of “The Walrus” in the mid 1960′s. Remember the claim that Paul is actually dead,  that we all heard about and laughed at in our youth? Well, years later, armed with the knowledge of the evils of MK ULTRA, let’s take another look at that “wild claim” that Paul is dead.

Here is the recollections of a witness to some of these events. Notice in particular the day he was abducted, 9/11.

“I don’t know why Paul McCartney and Brian Epstein were killed, but John Lennon’s August 12, 1966 press conference in Chicago in which he launched his criticisms of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War may be part of the reason. The episode began on Sunday, September 11, 1966in England. From an occult perspective, that’s a a Bad News day.

Paul McCartney was driving his car to Ringo’s house with a couple of girls when he became involved in a car accident at an intersection. A van had suddenly lurched forward at an intersection and blocked Paul’s car. He couldn’t stop in time and hit the van, but it wasn’t a serious accident. The “accident” was probably a set up.

Paul called Ringo on the phone and told him about the accident and said he would be one or two hours late since he had to wait for the police and arrange for his car tow etc. Paul never showed up at Ringo’s house, but Ringo wasn’t worried at the time, since he thought the call about the car accident was a put on anyway. The next day, however, Ringo couldn’t get Paul on the phone and they began calling around to find out where Paul was. On Thursday of that week, September 15, 1966, Ringo got a message from a close friend who was contacted by yet another friend in France who reported that Paul was seen in France. Ringo, John, George, and Brian Epstein all flew to Paris the next day, but Paul could not be found at the location he was reported to be at.

A day or two went by until they got a phone call from a woman who had earlier reported seeing Paul near her country home in France. Brian Epstein was dispatched to pick up Paul and they had indicated that they would head back home on Sunday, September 18, 1966, but they were never heard from again. The following Wednesday morning, September 21, 1966, the Beatles were notified that Paul’s body was found on the beach at Outreau and they were asked to go there and identify the body.

I don’t know if any of the Beatles were programmed with MK Ultra mind control, per se, but they were being manipulated under the aegis of MK Ultra covert operations. Yoko Ono, certainly, was a covert agent assigned to glom onto John Lennon and act as his controller and handler. She was undoubtedly working for British Intelligence. Whether she’s mind controlled or not, I don’t know, but it’s possible.”

“Paul McCartney and Brian Epstein were both abducted and killed in the Fall of 1966 in France. Paul’s body was thrown from a plane and found on a beach in northern France called Outreau. Ringo, John, and George were taken to the beach where Paul’s body was being recovered and examined and one of the policemen remarked to a colleague that Paul’s body looked like a walrus, which infuriated John, who had to be subdued. This is the genesis of the line ” I am the Walrus”.

Epstein’s body was found in the crashed plane some distance away. An entertainer named Phil Ackrill assumed the identity of the original Paul McCartney in order to keep the money and the Beatle business rolling along; and he continues to play that role to this day. The remaining Beatles agreed not to reveal Ackrill’s double status, created by plastic surgeons working for British Intelligence, on pain of death.

Brian Epstein was replaced, not by one, but two doubles. The first one bowed out, and the second one was eliminated in August of 1967 when “Brian Epstein” was found dead of a “drug overdose”.”

There are many sites that have many detailed photos, measurements, science and experts that you can check out about “Paul is Dead”. However, I will keep it short and merely show you a couple of pictures. One was taken with his girlfriend before 1967, they are walking and he appears to be about an inch or two taller than her. Notice the eye levels and do the math, it’s about 1-2 inches difference.

Left: before 1967
Right: after 1967

Now, here’s a photo of the happy couple post 1967 as they pose for a planned photo shoot in a cemetery of all places. Notice the difference in height is dramatic as he towers over her by almost half a foot! In the first photo, Paul’s eyes came to her forehead, in the second photo “Faul’s” eye-line is about 1-2 inches OVER her head!

These second set of photos are meant to teach you that in plastic surgery, then and now, it is still virtually impossible to make an exact replica of another person’s ear. You can match almost any other feature of a person except their ears, fingerprints and natural eye color pretty much. Pay attention to the two entirely different ears that exist on Pre 1967 Paul and post 1967 “Faul”. Remember the year and a half of his beard phase then shaved off, never to be seen again? That would be the same time “Faul’s” face would be scarred from all the rounds of plastic surgery. Of course, Faul’s eyes aren’t the same color as Paul’s eyes but he usually wears colored contacts and nobody notices. But check the photos and the research, there is absolutely NO doubt that Paul was replaced by a double who was molded into shape over a 2-3 year period. Early footage shows Paul and the other guys the same height but every post 1967 photo and video shows him towering above his bandmates. For those interested in further proof start here..(Ears, Eyes, and Height.)

Also, remember how John Lennon was killed.

“It was also Stealth who first told me about ‘mind-control sleeper agents’ – agents programmed to carry out covert operations in their ‘sleep’: a state of mind induced, not so much by ‘hypnosis’, but by a neural implant known as a stimoceiver – effectively a biochip transceiver implanted in the brain via which audio and visual ‘commands’ could be sent. And received.

According to Stealth, Mark David Chapman was a CIA ‘sleeper agent’ who had been mind-controlled to assassinate John Lennon.

Having emptied his .38 calibre pistol into John Lennon’s back, he let the weapon fall to the ground, pulled out a copy of JD Salinger’s Catcher In The Rye and started to read it. Evidently Chapman had come to perceive his ‘idol’ as phony, and the ‘phony’, of course, is a major theme running through the book.We should note at this point that Catcher In The Ryehas long been associated with the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind-control program, and more specifically, with creating a ‘Manchurian Candidate’-style assassin viaCIA-developed mind-control techniques.John Hinckley, who attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan in 1981, less than four months after Chapman killed Lennon.

A copy of the book was found in Hinckley’s apartment  following his arrest. Jose Perdomo, doorman on duty at the Dakota Building on the night Lennon was shot, has recently emerged as a possible ‘prime suspect’.

It turns out Perdomo was an anti-Castro Cuban exile who worked for the CIA as long ago as 1961, and was actively involved in the CIA’s failed Bay of Pigs operation.

Using the pseudonym Joaquin Sanjenis, Perdomo worked closely with convicted Watergate burglar and known CIAagent, Frank Sturgis, who trained Cuban exiles in preparation for the Bay of Pigs operation in 1961, and was also cited in connection with the JFK assassination. Perdomo worked with Sturgis for more than ten years.

It also emerged that Perdomo conversed with Chapman outside the Dakota Building as the latter waited for Lennon to return home on the night of his murder.

According to police records their conversation centered on the Bay of Pigs operation and one other notorious CIA operation: the assassination of JFK.

Is it merely coincidence that such a hardcore CIA agent was on duty as John Lennon’s ‘doorman’ on the night he was assassinated?

No, I don’t think so, either.

Journalist Salvador Astucia takes the theory a step further: according to him, it was Perdomo, and not Chapman, who fired the fatal shots that killed John Lennon.

Astucia asserts that Chapman was little more than a mind-controlled stooge, a patsy who’s ‘induced model psychosis’ and ‘audio-hallucinations’ convinced him to take the rap.

“He walked past me and then I heard in my head, Do it, do it, do it,’ over and over again, saying ‘Do it, do it, do it,’” Chapman later confessed.

“I don’t remember aiming. I must have done, but I don’t remember drawing a bead or whatever you call it. And I just pulled the trigger steady five times.”

He added that he felt “no emotion” as he squeezed the trigger, “no anger, [just] dead silence in the brain,“ a fact seized upon by author Fenton Bresler, who describes Chapman as a programmed ‘victim‘ in his book, “as much the victim of those who wanted to kill John Lennon as Lennon himself”.

For the record, it was Perdomo who informed arresting police officer, Pat Cullen, that Chapman had fired the gun, and not himself.

According to Chapman, he shot John Lennon in response to ‘voices in his head’ which told him to “Do it, do it, do it”.

This is a consistent theme in Chapman’s testimony; it was also ‘voices in his head’ which later convinced him to change his plea from ‘Not Guilty’ to ‘Guilty’, in consequence of which no trial was ever held.”

John spent the remaining years of his life in a drugged stupor evidently until he was no longer needed and deemed too risky to keep around as he could spill the beans about the entire operation.

It should also be noted that if Hinckley had succeeded in killing Reagan, who would have become the acting POTUS? Why, the former head of the CIA George Bush, of course, anybody think the former head of the CIA may have had a hand in an MK ULTRA’d Hinckley? Hmm…….

« Последна редакция: Декември 12, 2018, 03:58:39 am от λ »


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Re: Smells like MK ULTRA
« Отговор #2 -: Декември 12, 2018, 03:35:46 am »

Very interesting stuff but all of this happened many years ago so how does it affect me? Well, this was the beginning of the CIA experimenting in the music business and they called it a rousing success. The most popular bands of the era were either infiltrated or simply started or managed by CIA agents. Any message could now be sent across the nation via the youth and nobody would have the slightest idea what was really going on. If you really paid attention, you could see certain groups of musicians associate freely but you never thought twice about it. Now, years later, we can find a person of interest and follow them as they mingle with many other famous and influential people of the time. For instance, we can now look at The Beach Boys and see the “coincidence” of them renting a house to the Manson clan and Brian Wilson going crazy(mind control). Charles Manson was another MK ULTRA stooge of the satanic variety like Anton LeVay. Any person or group that has a “coincidence” to Manson is probably involved with MK ULTRA as a victim. Do you think it’s a coincidence Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails recorded an album in Sharon Tate’s old house? He named his studio Piggy after the word scrawled in blood on the wall after the murder. Of course he claims he had no idea the history of the house when he bought it and I believe him. However, I’m sure his handlers were well aware of it. In fact, I’m sure it was all part of the plan. And which band did Trent Reznor “discover and help create? Why, Marilyn Manson of course, yet another Manson reference, this one is so obvious it begs you to call it out for what it is. The world sucks and I shouldn’t even try is what these bands screamed to the youth of America.

You see, if there is any kind of radical racist group of any color, they are probably infiltrated by or simply run by the CIA. The basic agenda of the N.W.O. Is to create chaos within the population. This is mainly done by dividing people along racial lines by creating a massive project. OJ, the LA riots and hard core gangster rap were developed to further separate the black community from the white one. However, as with any experiment, they ended up with some consequences that they were unprepared to handle. For you see, gangsta rap was meant to appeal to inner city kids and create a kind of wall between the inner city and suburbia. However, once white kids heard the heaviness and violence and realized their parents hated it, they suddenly embraced rap. The CIA tried to counter this white rap phenomena by introducing black nationalism into many of the popular acts. Anybody remember when Public Enemy used to have the Nation of Islam march at their shows? This was an attempt to keep the white kids out however all it did was create a bunch of white kids who wished they could be black. Eventually, they realized that if you were to create the perfect rapper, he would be white and he would be HUGE. (Eminem anyone?)

Before the gov’t realized they could simply exploit how white kids like rap, they decided that there needed to be a new sound, one that nobody but white kids would like, something that every white kid could relate to. Music that was guitar driven, drug induced and sang of the hopelessness of life and the futility of even trying. It was started deep in the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest, a place where it rained a lot, people were depressed a lot and it was a pretty much isolated geographic area. The leader of this movement was a troubled youth with a drug problem who died at the age of MK ULTRA enlightenment, 27. Much like Morrison, Hendrix, Brian Jones, Mama Cass etc. Kurt Cobain would go from the dizzying heights of fame to a disputed death at the age of 27. One of the most identifiable bands of the 1990′s was Nirvana and Kurt Cobain was it’s leader. Was it simply coincidence the way his life played out? Or was it part of a master plane set in motion years earlier? Let’s take a fresh look.

Hank Harrison has been implicated in being involved with MK ULKTRA as early as the 1950′s as a mind control “handler”. He came out to LA with virtually no musical experience and took over a band called The Warlocks. With a quick wave of a magic wand the Warlocks became the Grateful Dead, acid was handed out at every show and the band’s trademark film was The Wizard of Oz, the classic MK ULTRA programming film. Once the Grateful Dead experience was up and running Hank immediately took off. Here is how David Crosby remembered Hank Harrison; Harrison was no hippy drug addict pothead burnout. He always looked clean. In fact he was a trained shrink. The first time I saw him he was wearing a Searsucker suit and a bow tie and was carrying an attaché case. I could venture a guess that Harrison was a CIA operative or a Saul Alinsky graduate in charge of organizing bands like the Grateful Dead.” Of course, one may wonder how David Crosby would be so well versed in the CIA and The Grateful Dead but we know the answer to that question already don’t we?

Hank Harrison had a daughter, Courtney, who, unsurprisingly, had a terrible, abusive and tortuous childhood as most children of MK ULTRA handlers seem to end up having. In between being sent back and forth between her divorced parents, Courtney was somehow accepted to Trinity College in Ireland where she studied theology for two semesters. It was around this time that Courtney developed an amazing ability to meet and date musicians that would then suddenly rise to prominence. She began this by dating Juian Cope who has had a decent career in the UK. Then in 1989 she was briefly married to the lead singer of the Leaving Trains, James Moreland. In 1991 she dated Billy Corrigan of the Smashing Pumpkins and the following year that band had huge commercial success. However, Courtney moved on from Billy Corrigan in 1991 when she went to LA and met a man who would soon become a household name. His name was Kurt Cobain and of Course, Courtney Harrison changed her name to Courtney Love. Within a year of leaving Billy Corrigan and hooking up with Kurt  Cobain both men were tremendously famous.

When Kurt Cobain met Courtney in 1991 Nirvana had not yet released their seminal album, Nevermind. The band had consisted of Kurt and Chris Novoselic and they were looking for a drummer. All of a sudden, out of the blue, Kurt hears of a drummer in a Washington DC band, 3,000 miles away and immediately decides to have him fly across the country and relocate to Washington state. That is a huge red flag, whenever someone suddenly does something like that and they dont know why, it was probably because they were programmed to do it. So, Dave Grohl packs up and comes from the breeding grounds of MK ULTRA in DC and moves to Seattle to join Nirvana. Shortly afterwards, the daughter of an important MK ULTRA handler suddenly appears and the rest is history. A few years of drugs, strange behavior and then a death that has never been fully explained at the age of 27 and another sad chapter in MK ULTRA and the music industry is closed.

Now that we have more information available to us today, we can look back on the death of Kurt Cobain and maybe some of the unanswered questions will begin to have answers. Officially, Kurt Cobain was missing for days before he was found dead in an upstairs room of a cottage on his property. Courtney requested that the cottage be searched as she left and sure enough, Kurt’s body was discovered in the upstairs room in the cottage. There was a shot gun blast to his head from a weapon that was far too long for him to pull the trigger himself. He was wearing shoes so he didn’t use his toes to fire the gun but somehow he fired a shotgun into his head. A needle was found nearby and the toxicology report stated that he had enough pure heroin in his body to kill a man 5 times over. After careful consideration of all the evidence at hand, the authorities determined that Kurt had shot himself up with a more than lethal dose of heroin. Instead of dying immediately as would be expected, he then grabbed a long shot gun and somehow pulled the trigger and shot himself even though he couldn’t reach the trigger. Official cause of death? Suicide of course, classic case of suicide MK ULTRA style.


The 1985 Disney production Return to Oz is described by many critics as one of the most terrifying children’s movies ever made. While many of its scenes are indeed pure nightmare fodder for young minds, there is one fact that is even more disturbing: The movie is actually about a young girl being subjected to the sadistic world of trauma-based mind control.

Following his death, the leader of the band The Mentors, El Duce, claimed that Courtney offered him $500k to kill Kurt Cobain. He was interviewed on television stating he knew who killed Kurt and that the CIA was probably after him. As one might expect, El Duce suddenly decided to jump in front of a train a couple of days later lending even more creedance to his claims that the CIA was after him. Since that time Courtney has gone on to exhibit all the telltale signs of an MK ULTRA victim as does her daughter Francis Bean as the gov’t apparently searches for a new use for them.

Ex CIA assassin William S Burroughs

Looking at some of the people Kurt associated with shortly before his death may also help shed light on things as MK ULTRA victims are usually kept together as they are easier to keep track of this way. William S Burroughs had been a covert CIA assassin for decades and made his fame mostly by writing books about gay sex with young boys and using heroin. He admits to killing his wife and was never convicted of it but he always seemed to end up at all the world’s trouble spots during the 1950′s-1960′s. If the CIA was running covert operations in the area, you would probably find William S Burroughs lurking in the shadows. Kurt Cobain had released a spoken word album with Mr Burroughs in the months before is death. Kurt was also known to have a copy of Naked Lunch by Burroughs with him in Europe when he “overdosed” and almost died within hours of Courtney suddenly arriving in Italy. In the end, there was nowhere for Kurt to go and he was disposed of.

Many other Seattle area bands would suddenly flourish after Nirvana topped the charts. Some of these were “Alice in Chains” who’s 6”1” lead singer was found dead weighing just 89lbs. (Note the Classic Alice in Wonderland reference in the band’s name.) Another band that suddenly hit it big was Soundgarden whose lead singer Chris Cornell has been a very influential person in rock for decades. There were also The Melvins, Pearl Jam and Mother Lovebone among others. Years later Chris Cornell would team up with the son of a famous Kenyan leader who married a CIA operative. This operative attended Harvard university much like Obama did (meaning, he spent the time fighting overseas) and once he graduated with a Harvard degree, he was un-hirable and immediately moved out to LA to become a successful rock guitarist. His name is Tom Morello and he was the guitarist for Rage Against the Machine and later teamed up with Chris Cornell to form Audioslave. They were brought together by one of the biggest producers in the history of modern music, Rick Rubin who has been a crack CIA guy for decades now. He started Def Jam records and was originally used to sign upcoming MK ULTRA’s rap artists to his labels. Eventually, he became record producer extrodinaire and helped create some of the most influential records of our time. Here’s a list of artists that Rick has worked with, a veritable pot pouri of who is who in the MK ULTRA universe.

LL Cool J, Run DMC, Beastie Boys, Slayer, Public Enemy, The Cult, Danzig, Andrew Dice Clay, The Black Crowes, Geto Boys, Trouble, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sir Mix a Lot, Mick Jagger, Joan Jett, Tom Petty, Johnny Cash, Nine Inch Nails, AC-DC, System of a Down, Sheryl Crow, Rage Against the Machine, Aerosmith, AudioSlave, Limp Bizkit, Jay-Z, Slipknot, Shakira, Dixie Chicks, U2, Linkin Park, Kanye West, Neil Diamond, Weezer, Metallica, Kid Rock, Adele, ZZ Top, Lana DelRey, Black Sabbath, Eminem and for good measure, Crosby Stills and Nash. I am sure that if one goes down the list name by name and does enough research, the pieces will begin to fit and a picture will emerge.

Just for fun, I will run thru a few of the names above and see if anything seems suspicious with any of them. Let’s start with the Beastie Boys, Rick Rubin was producing popular black rap acts on his label but no white rappers as they didn’t exist. As a college student Rick worked with the Beasties when they were a hardcore band and then signed them as a rap act to his label. Suddenly, three hardcore turned rap white kids from NY record an album on a tiny label created by a guy they met while he was in college and are supporting it by opening for the largest act of the decade, Madonna. The first album was lewd crude and obnoxious as were the Beastie Boys. After almost 3 years between albums the snot nosed punks suddenly transform themselves into intelligent, socially conscious business men who have married Hollywood starlets, traveled to the Far East like the Beatles in search of enlightenment and they were suddenly extremely worried about being PC. On the first album most songs spoke of making it with “skeezy ho’s” however in subsequent albums we heard “Disrespecting woman has got to stop”. Three party hearty punk rockers met Rick Rubin and were suddenly transformed into socially conscious world famous stars. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Slayer was an underground death metal band until they teamed up with Rick Rubin and released one of the most influential metal albums of all time on a rap label. Out of all the acts that Rick Rubin could have chosen to sign to his label, he chose the death metal Slayer and immediately created superstars. Rick Rubin would produce many Slayer albums and help cement their dominance as one of the top acts in metal for decades. Of course Slayer loves Nazi motifs, lyrics, symbols and garb and are fascinated with Nazi imagery. But, we are told it’s all just harmless fun and really has nothing at all to do with the Nazi motifs implanted during MK ULTRA torture sessions. So, I guess there’s also nothing to see here either.

Let’s move on to The Red Hot Chili Peppers, the guys who love to play naked on stage seem like rather normal guys. Anthony Kiedis was born the son of John Kiedis, a struggling actor known by the name Blacky Dammett. Blacky’s main claim to fame is that he supplied drugs to Hollywood’s rich and famous like Keith Moon. Keith, if you will remember was a resident of Laurel Canyon, was heavy into drugs and died young. If the CIA were actively supplying the rich and famous with drugs, how do you think they actually did it? Apparently, they used bit actors like Blacky Dammett who would hang around the “Rainbow Bar and Grill” and supply drugs to the elite residents of Laurel Canyon. Blacky was also friends with Sonny Bono who coincidentally is Anthony’s godfather. Blacky does drugs with his son and at the age of 14 Anthony does heroin and spends most of life addicted. Almost as if Blacky was plying his son with drugs in an attempt to control him. But, if that were true Anthony Kiedis would have to turn out to be a famous musician with many demons and…., oh wait a minute, nothing to see here kids, move along.
« Последна редакция: Декември 12, 2018, 04:31:32 am от λ »


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Re: Smells like MK ULTRA
« Отговор #3 -: Декември 12, 2018, 03:35:55 am »
Another pretty sure sign that your favorite band was victimized by MK ULTRA is if they appeared on any of the Lollapalooza tours that wound their way across America starting in the 1990′s. They were modern day Woodstocks with easy access to LSD, freak shows,nihilism and the most popular CIA manufactured musicians of the day. The whole Lollapalooza thing was supposedly the brainchild of Perry Farrell who was born Perry Bernstein and lived a pretty much normal childhood for an MK ULTRA victim. His mother killed herself when he was three and he regularly receives visits from aliens and accepts the wisdom and messages they bring. Evidently, the aliens (aka MK ULTRA) told him to recruit certain bands and then go across the country as sort of a drug induced, freak show from town to town. Here’s a list of some of the more famous bands that have performed at various Lollapalooza tours; Jane’s Addiction, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Living Color, Nine Inch Nails, Fishbone, Ice T, Rollins Band, Butthole Surfers, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ministry, Ice Cube, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Primus, Alice in Chains, Tool, Rage Against the Machine, Front 242, Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, George Clinton, L7, Green Day, The Black Crows, Sonic Youth, Hole, Cypress Hill, Sinead O’Connor, Beck, Metallica, Ramones, Rancid, Melvins, Prodigy, AudioSlave, Queens of the Stone Age, Kanye West and many others. Again, if you take each band and start to do some research, you will probably start to see the connections.

Let us again take a look at a couple performers from Lollapalooza Shows.  Henry Rollins and Rollins band performed at the first festival, I know that because I was there and I was a huge Rollins fan. However, armed with the knowledge of MK ULTRA and hindsight, things look a tad different. Henry was from DC home of many MK ULTRA bases. He wrote that when on tour, when the band slept in a hotel, he found it better to sleep alone in the darkened truck that carried their equipment. Possible hints of sensory deprivation seem evident here. When he lived in Redondo Beach CA he spoke of an incident where he walked into his darkened apartment as a stranger was shooting his roommate. After he killed his roommate, this stranger supposedly looked at Henry and then left. This sounds something like how MK ULTRA slaves are terminated, usually in front of other victims for the intended effect of discipline. Besides hardcore music he also wrote poetry and did spoken word shows that usually consisted of him going off on a particular subject for an hour or two. Masturbation, homosexuality and his hatred of cops were some of his favorite topics. He held nothing back, told you every single gruesome detail of his life, much like MK ULTRA slaves are trained tape recorders that take in every tiny bit of sensory information so they can repeat it later. He, like most hardcore musicians who hate the media, went on on to become a successful actor/tv personality. One day he is sleeping in the back of a darkened truck by choice and the next year he is in a hot tub on MTV talking about playing a cop in a movie. The very fact that in one minute he can hate Hollywood with every fiber of his being and the next minute he IS a Hollywood, whore, means he had little choice in the matter evidently.

Following Rollins on stage was Ice T and Body Count, Ice T was a street wise drug dealer, turned rapper, turned hardcore musician who hated cops, sang songs glorifying killing cops and then, of course, went on to become a successful actor known by millions of viewers as…a cop! Anyone see a pattern here? Two street wise hardcore musicians who hate cops and the system suddenly mature and both play cops on TV. Sure, it could happen organically i guess, but what are the odds?

Nine Inch nails played the first festival also and we have touched briefly upon Trent Reznor who was signed to a NYC record company that has been embroiled in legal problems since it was created. He then makes it huge and then help Marilyn Manson top the charts recording AntiChrist Superstar in the former home of Sharon Tate. After that, Trent took a bit of a Sabbatical while Manson climbed the charts. Years later a very bitter and somehow rather untalented Trent Reznor reappeared and has continued making very forgettable music, almost as if he has somehow lost his magic touch. This is a common theme found throughout this sordid story, the beginnings may not be pretty but the endings are usually downright ugly.

Electroshock, anyone?

Metallica was started when the bass player, Cliff Burton, convinced the rest of the band to relocate to right across the Bay from the Presidio, home of MK ULTRA in SF, (also see Stanford Research Institute in Palo Alto!) Then a sudden move to NJ and then fame. Of course, Metallica has become a household name but not before Cliff died on tour in an accident that could only happen in a movie. You see, apparently a card game took place with the winner getting his choice of bunk and Cliff just happens to draw the Ace of Spades and wins. Then, sleeping on the top bunk the bus suddenly slides on ice that was first reported but then never reported to exist again. Either way, the bus tips and somehow Cliff is thrown thru the small window of the bus at a rate faster than that of the bus tipping over as he somehow beat the bus to the ground and was crushed by it. As often happens in these situations, the bus is lifted halfway and then dropped upon the body that had somehow flown thru a window and beat the bus to the ground on a road in temperatures above freeing with no ice described by anyone but the driver. Rick Rubin produced a couple albums and they lead the industries fight against Napster and  win. Sounds normal to me.

Queensryche - Mindcrime

In fact, if you follow the Rock Opera written by Queensryche “Operation Mind Crime” one finds a very MK ULTRA’ish story woven in the lyrics. A naive kid is brainwashed to kill for the system and fed drugs until he is needed while a nun who is also abused is in on it too. The story begins and ends in a mental hospital and relates many different themes that all touch upon MK ULTRA. Yet another coincidence I guess.

Let’s go back to our discussion of Laurel Canyon for a moment. Following the musical outpouring of the 1960′s Laurel Canyon continued to be a secretive neighborhood of private winding roads in the Hollywood Hills. The houses have been reported to have a labrynth of underground caverns that wind their way who knows where. A white supremacist group has it’s headquarters on the hill and most of the properties are written with such restrictive covenants attached to the deeds that only certain people are able to buy the property and live there. If the residents of Laurel Canyon do not want you there, you will not be there for long and if they want you there, you will probably end up there. Here’s a list of some of the more famous inhabitants of Laurel Canyon; Jennifer Aniston, Christina Applegate, Zach Braff, David Byrne, Neve Campbell, Eric Burdon, Adam Carolla, David Carradine, George Clooney, Alice Cooper, David Crosby, Shannon Doherty, Cass Elliot, Will Ferrel, Errol Flynn, Jimi Hendrix, Boris Karloff, Anthony Kiedis(RHCP), Carol King, KD Lang, Timothy Leary, Marty LeNoble(bassist for Porno For Pyros, Jane’s Addiction, and The Cult), Steve Martin, Alicia Silverstone, Bella Lugosi, Marilyn Manson, Mark McGrath, Joni Mitchell, Keith Moon, Tom Morello, Patty Duke, Buzz Osbourne(Melvins), Gram Parsons, Iggy Pop, Trent Reznor, Keith Richards, Nicole Richie, The Rolling Stones, Paul Rothchild(Producer), Rick Rubin, Meg Ryan, Keisha, Slash, Dusty Springfield, Danny Sugarman (manager of the Doors), John Taylor(Duran Duran), Justin Timberlake, Orson Welles, Peter Wentz(Fall Out Boy), Frank Zappa and Francis Farmer. Again, if many of these names don’t immediately ring an MK ULTRA bell in your head then I am not doing my job. Between Rick Rubin, Lollapalooza and Laurel Canyon we have a veritable who’s who of famous MK ULTRA victims. Each one has a story and each one somehow ended up hidden in the Hollywood Hills like many others before them.

A good rule of thumb for trying to find MK ULTRA victims in the music industry from days gone by is to look for the classic signs. Drug abuse, strange behavior, multiple personalities, early deaths and the like. For example, while researching El Duce of “The Mentors” I was immediately reminded of the famed GG Allin who seemed to fit MK ULTRA perfectly. He was a  man who when, performing live with his band “The Murder Junkies”, was known for committing almost any act onstage. He would expel bodily fluids and eat them, smash himself bloody with a bottle, beat people senseless and act like a raging psychotic until the show was usually closed down by the authorities. When GG found himself in jail he responded by recording spoken word tapes over the phone and released those to his fans. GG was named Jesus Christ Allin at birth much like the mother of Rev. Jim Jones, GG’s dad had a vision his son would be a great man. After promising to kill himself on stage a couple of times GG finally OD’d after a long night of partying and destruction. Of course his manager was rumoured to work for the CIA and according to GG himself, his manager disappeared to South America where he was probably raping teenage boys. If GG Allin didn’t have any connection to MK ULTRA I would be completely astonished.

As you can see, it isn’t hard to think about those bands that fit the MK ULTRA mold exactly. For example, now that we know more about MK ULTRA, does the dynamic of Axl Rose and Guns N Roses start to make some sense? A small town kid in Iowa hops a bus to LA and is famous beyond belief in a couple years then has various classic meltdowns as the years progress. Is anyone really surprised to find that Slash would be living in Laurel Canyon? Stone Temple Pilots Scott Weiland’s inner demons seem very MK ULTRA’ish if you think about it. Ozzy Osbourne anyone? One minute you think he is almost dead and the next he is jumping around and singing like a madman, almost like he was programmed to do that. Keith Moon of The Who lived in Laurel Canyon and died young. In fact, I am amazed that one of Kurt Cobain’s favorite people, Buzz Osbourne from the Melvins lives in Laurel Canyon. (I should have seen it coming but it still hurts to have read it. Say it ain’t so!)

The gov’t has had been controlling Hollywood for decades now. Anyone remember the PMRC and the senate hearings? What was that really all about?

In 1985 the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center) was started by four “Washington Wives”. Tipper Gore, the wife of soon to be VP and inventor of the internet, Al Gore, the wife of the treasury secretary James Baker, a DC city councilman’s wife and the wife of a powerful realtor. The stated goal of this group was to inform parents of the things contained within the music. They tried to accomplish this by parading artists, lyrics and album artwork before congress. They even released “The Filthy 15″ songs which just so happened to contain many bands that have some ties to MK ULTRA. This group of Hollywood wives somehow picked some of the most obscure acts to present to congress and many argue, if not for the PMRC, many of these “obscene” groups would never be as popular as they were. Of course, the groups targeted by the PMRC were not chosen at random nor were the musicians who testified. Basically, we were all duped by the gov’t and were willing pawns in their game. Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look a back at that wonderful time.

Looking back, most people remember the senate hearings like this, a bunch of middle aged white conservative Christians shoved their values down the throat of America’s youth and were promptly told to “go to hell” very eloquently by Frank Zappa. It was basically a Twisted Sister Video without the music or Dee Snider, oh wait, Dee Snider was there too! The rock stars calmly told off those out of touch middle aged Republicans and the kids got their music. That pretty much sums up the whole episode. Anyone remember the result of all these hearings? Stickers were put on albums deemed “dangerous” and everybody went home happy. Anybody want to guess what happened to most of the bands paraded before congress or with the new labels on their albums? The sales went through the roof, for some reason,if a bunch of middle aged white people tell kids not to listen to a certain band, it actually causes these young people to seek the band out simply to disobey. Who would have thought that huh? Reverse psychology at it’s best. Also, Tipper Gore was the face of the committee, the wife of the extremely liberal Democratic former VP Al Gore. Everyone blames Christian republicans for the PMRC but it’s face was the wife of one of the biggest admitted leftists in America. Ever wonder how that wonderful sleight of hand works? Let me explain how this whole fraud went down.

Marilyn Manson and Anton LaVey

Back in the mid 1980′s the CIA had numerous operatives across the country actively starting and signing bands with MK ULTRA victims who were programmed with various motifs. The Nazi motifs were grouped into metal, punk and white power music, satan motifs were used in metal and goth, the creature that was GG Allin and his ilk (El Duce) were created for shock bands.

Now, how can the gov’t market these extreme artists to the kids? Well, if you know anything at all about a teen, it’s obvious that reverse psychology is probably the best technique. Kids will do things they don’t even like doing if they think it’s making their parents mad! So, four DC wives are recruited to bring these obscure bands to the attention of America in an attempt to save the children. You know, like somebody publishing the blueprints of a bomb in an attempt to keep people from making one. The CIA knew that once a bunch of middle aged white people started to lecture kids about their music, the kids would HAVE to hear this “evil music”. To put the cherry on top, the kids idol’s actually got to tell off congress on TV, it was every teen’s dream come true and following the hearing the sales of these bands skyrocketed. In fact, the warning labels simply became advertising for the kids, most teens wouldn’t buy an album unless it has one of the warning stickers. Of course, this was planned all along, now Slayer, King Diamond, Venom, WASP, twisted Sister, Motley Crue and even Prince were somehow involved in this huge scheme. (I know what you are thinking, but Prince is such a normal guy, who would think he has been mind controlled?!)

Of course, if the CIA got to push their extreme views on America’s youth what was in it for the businessman? Well, record sales now went through the roof, concerts, videos, etc. The music industry was on top of the world, MTV played videos and everyone was getting rich. After the senate hearings metal and rap bands flourished under the warning stickers and soon Nirvana and the Seattle scene would hit. Years later when Napster was about to make record companies extinct, groups like Metallica suddenly abandon the mosh pit and become the spokesmen for the corporations. If Metallica was really an underground metal band loved by the fans, they could easily distribute their own music, merchandise etc and keep all the money rather than getting merely a fraction of what the record companies actually make off of them. Suddenly, the kings of metal team up with the corporate lawyers and go after fans using Napster? Metallica peaked with Cliff on bass in my opinion and after he was somehow killed off, the rest of the band were actually the puppets they sang about. Maybe that explains why their first few albums were lyrically and musically complex while everything since has been Motley Crue; Metallica style. (But I digress.)

Another common theme that used to confound me was the number of musicians who were famous for being anti god and government suddenly renounce that lifestyle and do a 180 degree flip and become a minister or born again. For decades I always wondered how a person could simply flip a switch and become the exact opposite of everything they once were. However, now that I am aware of the existence of MK ULTRA and it’s ilk these seemingly random transformations aren’t really so random. Remember, the gov’t needs a way to keep a slave “occupied” until they are needed. Extremist groups are the perfect place to place those under mind control as they are all mostly run by the gov’t anyways. I know, this is starting to sound like crazy science fiction but it’s all based on science. They have studied the human mind and have figured out how to break it and reshape it through decades of trial and error originating with the Nazi’s. Watch an old video of Hitler giving a speech, notice the way the event is carefully framed right down to placement of the camera, stage, banners and colors. Watch his gestures as he speaks. Now, turn your TV up to the high numbers and watch some born again preachers speak. Notice the similarities in the presentation. Next, turn on the State of the Union Address and do the same. It’s no coincidence that many famous MK ULTRA bands use video screens during a performance. Agents make sure LSD and Extasy are readily available, the musicians play the music as images are flashed upon the screen during the show. An entire crowd can easily become hypnotized without having the slightest idea it is happening. Jane’s Addiction, Nine Inch Nails, Pink Floyd, U2, etc. all use this technique. In fact, video screens are at almost every venue nowadays and you can bet they show more than just footage of the show. But back to the born again Christians, there are certain popular branches of Christianity today that have been founded by the CIA and it’s operatives. I won’t go pointing any fingers at the moment but if you carefully watch the popular preachers of the day and look at some of imagery contained in their symbols you will understand. Like the old adage about a VH1 Rockumentary, you always know that somebody will get fat, someone will find God and someone will be dead. Once your original mission is complete doesn’t mean you can’t be reprogrammed and held in check to serve another purpose. The victim will accept this new role just like all those musicians back in the 1960′s who somehow flocked to the hills of Laurel Canyon, like lemmings simply following orders. You don’t think, you just act.

This is a common theme found throughout this sordid story, the beginnings may not be pretty but the endings are usually downright ugly. Once an artist is no longer needed, they are disposed of. Somehow, around the age of 27, also called the “Age of Enlightenment” a person starts to mentally mature and the mind programming no longer works properly. This doesn’t always happen at age 27 and it varies on it’s intensity with each person, however, suffice it to say, once you reach the age where the programming isn’t working, you are either reprogrammed and your job changes or you are simply thrown away or killed. Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Brian Jones, Paul McCartney, Mama Cass,  Amy Winehouse etc. etc. Most of these victims have been such since they were young when the mind is most apt to fracture when tormented. They have made the system a lot of money and once they are no longer useful they will be thrown away for you see, the life of fame is fleeting and illusion. It only exists for a brief moment of time and it’s all controlled and shown to us in such a way that we think the party goes on forever. But it doesn’t and it didn’t. The party that many of us are still living never actually happened the way that we think it did. But in the end, knowing all of the truth and all of the ugliness, can you honestly say any of this shocks you? Somehow, I think, we all knew that Fighting for our right to party was silly but we did it anyways because we were young and we believed the lie. And in the end, is that really such a terrible thing?
« Последна редакция: Декември 12, 2018, 04:43:33 am от λ »


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Re: Smells like MK ULTRA
« Отговор #4 -: Декември 12, 2018, 03:40:53 am »
UPDATE!!!    Feb 2014.

After writing this article I have since come across much, much more information on the music industry and our classic icons of youth. For instance, The Lizard King means a LOT more than you think it does and Led Zeppelin was more of a running Soap Opera Musical than a real band!

As a kid growing up in the late 70′s and early 80′s I listened to the likes of AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, Beatles, Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy and the Beatles amongst many bands. But out of the many, some bands stick out more than the rest. As a kid, I always heard of Led Zeppelin as the greatest band, I loved some of their stuff but was totally confused by the rest. Even today i find myself attracted to certain albums or songs and others I view as being done by a different band. Maybe I have stumbled across this reason why.

According to an online posting which may or not be true, even if it’s only partially true, it explains a LOT about the phenomena of Led Zeppelin. Apparently, this poster met John Bonham on a beach in the Caribbean in the late 1980′s. Apparently John Bonham had a large tax bill and was tired of the ever changing Zeppelin lineup and faked his death. Supposedly, every time there were unconfirmed sightings of him in some area, it would be in the same time frame as another former band member visiting the place. This would also explain why his “widow” never remarried and why his son played so remarkably like he did, he had a constant teacher.

According to the poster, Zeppelin had many players throughout the years which would explain all the changes from album to album. John Paul Jones is credited as playing a few dozen instruments and has many songwriting credits to his name. In fact, his name is actually three names in one isn’t it? John, Paul and Jones. We Know that John Lennon was killed by the CIA and was under their control since the mid 1960′s. Paul McCartney was killed in late 1966 (9/11) and replaced with a double. And of course Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones was drowned by the British CIA. John Paul Jones is simply a pseudonym! Of course many people wore the hat of John Paul Jones as his very name is simply a creation of the Big Three under control of the gov’t. If a group so skilled as to replace Paul McCartney, they could easily replace Zeppelin. This is why Page writes so many illuminati signs, he wasn’t writing most of it anyways!

Anyways, check it out for yourself…

“Most people will tell you that there were only four members of the rock super-band Led Zeppelin—the truth about the group has been closely guarded by an elite “inner circle” for nearly 30 years now, but since bits of rumour regarding this subject have begun to surface (most notably on the Led Zeppelin For Badgeholders Only mailing list), I feel it is now time for the whole shocking story to be made known.


As all you who have watched The Song Remains The Same know, Zeppelin’s bass guitarist, John Paul Jones, seems to be involved in some sort of weird fashion show—changing his clothes multiple times during various songs. The speculation is that this—in addition to the fact that his hair styles were also constantly changing from one publicity shoot to the next; not to mention the sheer magnitude of the number of musical instruments he was proficient with, and the many “hats” he wore (musician, composer, lyricist, arranger, recording engineer, etc.)—points to a plethora of JPJs—at least 4, to be exact.


Any Zeppelin fan will tell you that Plant’s voice not only changes from album to album, but also from one tour to the next. The explantion for this—as proposed by an FBO list-member—is that there were, in fact, 3 “Robert Plants” over the course of Zeppelin’s hey-day. The first was the “real” Plant, who was replaced by his twin brother Harold, when Robert’s voice gave out during the 1973 tour. Since Harold looked and sounded similar to Robert, the fans were fooled by this deception, and the band continued without a hitch. This did not last, however, as Harold had an identity crisis, and had to be replaced before he wigged out on-stage. This opened the door for a long-time Zep fan (and Plant look-alike) named Bradley. Bradley admired Zeppelin and Plant so much, that he had practiced sounding like Plant, had affected Plant’s mannerisms to a tee, and even had plastic surgery in order to look more like his hero. Bradley lasted through Presence, by which time the “real” Robert decided to return to Zeppelin. Bradley was ousted, and the “real” Robert returned for In Through The Out Door—however, his voice was still not up to par. Because of this, and the fact that all 3 “Plants” wanted to be Zep’s lead singer, it was decided to end the band’s career permanently.


As we all know, Page was/is a veritable wizard in the studio—mixing, editing, and just generally giving Zeppelin recordings that special, unique “Zeppelin sound.” We also know that his wizardry extends to his guitar playing and musical composition. However, it is also quite true that Pagey has had his ups and downs—both as a guitarist, and as an engineer. Then of course, there are the subtle differences in his appearance over the years—differences which cannot be explain by aging, and weight-gain alone—and the not-so-subtle change in his in-concert fashion garb (from the rock god in TSRTS to the undertaker in UnLedded). Ever wonder why?


First, let me state the obvious—there was only ONE Bonzo. Having said that, there are however, rumours regarding Zeppelin’s one and only drummer—one rumour actually, although the supposed circumstances vary. It seems that Bonzo has been sighted, alive and well, in many locations around the world. It also seems that these sightings tend to occur most frequently when one of the other members of Zeppelin happens to be visiting that location—coincidence? Or is there, perhaps some other, as yet unknown, explanation?

These are the rumours and speculations which will be addressed here, and I promise you—you will be told the whole shocking, unexpurgated story of the conspiracies which make up the history of Led Zeppelin! If you do not wish to have your view of Zeppelin changed forever, you definitely should NOT continue to read this. On the other hand, if you want to hear the story behind the legend that was Led Zeppelin, do continue—enlightenment is finally at hand….


A few months back (June 1998, to be exact), I happened to be on holiday in the Carribean. Everything had been going well—which is to say that my days had been spent marked by sheer laziness by the sea, and my nights had been taken up with the usual “tourist parties” at the local hotels—until, that is, the day I met that certain other “tourist,” with whom I shared drinks and a beach umbrella on one long, fateful afternoon. I noticed him nearly as soon as I arrived on the beach that day, and after a few banana daiquiries, I got up enough nerve to approach him and introduce myself (having earlier sent him a drink, with my compliments)—whereupon he invited me to join him, as a fellow Brit. After a bit of desultory gossip about home politics (he was particularly interested in Lord Sutch’s latest run for Parliament), the World Cup finals, and the European music scene, I could restrain myself no longer, and blurted out that he looked uncannily like the drummer from Led Zeppelin. He then gave me a very hard glare, and began to rise. I jumped up, stood in front of him, and swore on my honor as an Englishman that I would keep his secret, if only he would tell me how and why he was sunning himself on a beach in the Carribean when all the world believed him dead for nearly two decades. He stared at me for a moment, then nodded and returned to his deck chair—inviting me to do the same—then ordered refills for us both, before he began to speak…. What follows is the story he told me that day on the beach. Although I swore to keep all he said secret, in light of the current rumour and speculation running throughout the Zeppelin community, I feel sure that he would both understand and approve of my disclosure.


“Alright then, the truth about Led Zeppelin….well, the first part’s pretty much right—about how we got together, and all—about the end of the 1970 tour, Robert wanted to quit—he said his brother Harold could do it, so we gave him a try, and he took over on vocals. Then, things were fairly normal up until about 1973. That’s when it all started gettin’ crazy—got the Starship, Pagey sprained his finger, started filmin’ concert footage for the movie, and got bloody robbed in bloody America. When the tour finished, we were finished, and Jonesy wanted out.

Well, we had been usin’ what they call stand-ins during the filmin’—found a couple of boys who looked enough like Jonesy to pass on stage, and this roadie’d get up there every once in a while, and “do” Harold. Pagey had a brother, too, but he wasn’t that good a guitar player, so we let him fiddle around with the sound. Me…well, it was always just me up there—no brothers, sisters, or others to draw a sub from. Anyway, back to 73—like I said, that’s when things started going bad. Jonesy wanted out after that tour, and so did Harold—so we let ‘em go. A guy named Jerry took over on bass—really big into synthesizers, but a pretty decent composer. And Robert came back in his old spot. Didn’t tour again till 75—that was so Jerry and Robert could get used to the whole Zeppelin thing—what it had become—before hittin’ the stage. Then came that bloody car wreck—pretty much ended it for Robert right then and there—got a taste ‘o’ mortality, and decided to chuck it all, not that I blame him. We talked him into stayin’ around for the next album and tour, but then his boy died, and that ended it—he wasn’t tourin’ any more for anybody.

So—back to Harold. By the time we got round to In Through the Out Door, Harold was off his flippin’ mind—these days they’d call it an “identity crisis,” I guess—so we had to replace him with that roadie I talked about earlier. His name was Bradley, and as loony as they come—even had surgery to look more like Robert and Harold. By this time, we were on our third Jonesy, and Pagey wasn’t doin’ too hot, either, so we stuck his brother Thomas in—he’d been practicing guitar, and could pass for Pagey on a “sloppy” day. Thomas couldn’t write, though, which is why “Jonesy” has so many credits on that album. By this time, I was ready to just say,’Sod it!’ and quit, myself—never knew who the hell I’d be gigin’ with, what with all the “Roberts,” “Jonesys,” and “Pageys.” I told Peter I’d stay round till Knebworth, but after that, I was history—wanted to spend time with the wife and kids, and have a life—maybe hit the skins at the pub on a Saturday, but no more Zeppelin. Then, right before we were scheduled to start the 1980 US tour, I got hit with an incredible tax bill, and that was the final straw. Besides, Bradley was getting so looney, we had to lock him up more than once, the third Jones was becoming insufferably “artsy,” and neither Thomas or Jimmy were doin’ too well.

So we decided it was time for Zeppelin to die, and Peter had already figured out how. There was this one particular bootlegger that Peter hated, and he decided to invite the guy over for drinks, and to meet “the boys.” This guy got into a drinking contest with “Robert”—actually, all three of them—and ended up dyin’ of alcohol poisoning—poor sod never had a chance. Peter got his revenge, I got safely out of the country, and the band got dissolved. Since then, Robert decided to start recording and touring again, Harold changed his name to “David Coverdale” (not to be confused with the other singer of that name—he’s the guy who was really found dead on Elvis’ toilet) and also started a band, and Bradley became the lead singer for Dread Zeppelin. Both Robert and Harold have recorded with Jimmy off and on over the years. After Thomas recorded Outrider as “Jimmy Page,” Jimmy finally got off the drugs, and made a deal with Thomas—Jimmy would be the musician and Thomas could do all the engineering, and they would share the name and the paychecks.

As for all the “Jonesys,” I’m not sure exactly what the others are up to—although I believe one of them changed his name, too, and started The Alan Parsons Project. The real Jonesy has been looking for UFOs for the past 20 years, and the second Jonesy is getting ready to go on tour sometime in the near future. And me—I spend most of my time in the UK—ever wonder why Pat has never remarried? I am still trying to teach Jason the proper way to hit the skins—boy has as thick a head as I ever did—and I occasionally sit backstage at his concerts. I’ve also checked out a few of the “Page & Plant” concerts, but I have to put on a disguise, and pretend I’m one of ZZ Top—those fake beards get awfully itchy after a while—but it’s nice to see the boys out there jammin”. We try to get together once a year, or so, to do a little giggin’ and to pick up me royalty checks—that’s what I’m doin’ here now—arranged to meet Pagey here on his ‘short vacation’ after some of the US dates to make a nice little deposit in one of these friendly little banks down here. He’s asked me to come and play at this 30th anniversery gig they’re cookin’ up for next year—says Jonesy’ll be there too, if they can pull him away from his UFOs long enough….Well, that’s it then….The story of Led Zeppelin. ”

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